Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Debate Topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Debate Topic - Research Paper Example Many developing countries had not covered medicines and pharmaceutical products, because of its disadvantages to generic drug research and production. Multinational Corporations (MNCs) should manufacture cheap generic life saving drugs for poor countries or give up their patents to others who want to make generic drugs, because it will save millions of lives, allow development of generic and patent-less drugs, and breed innovation. The poor have the right to free or cheaper generic drugs and MNCs should not hinder them from getting the pharmaceutical products they need. The pros of cheap generic life saving drugs or giving up drug patents are: 1) Millions of lives are saved, 2) Other drug companies can develop cheaper drugs or patent-less drugs that will benefit the public, and 3) Large companies will benefit from innovation, because they will no longer have to depend on their blockbuster products for revenues, and instead, they will be pushed to develop generic life saving drugs. Bo seley reports about Glaxo which stopped Africans from buying a cheaper version of its AIDS Drugs. It is an inhumane act, because South Africa only wants to do something right- to help its own people, which large drug MNCs are not looking after.

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