Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Arguments against the existence of God Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contentions against the presence of God - Essay Example Logicians and scholars who casted a ballot against the presence of God incorporate David Hume, Bertrand Russell, and Nietzche. In much ongoing occasions, the discussion on the presence of God has been talked about by researchers, for example, Stephen Hawking, William Lane Craig, and David Bentley Feser among others. Regardless of whether God exists or not presents a fascinating discussion inside the mainstream societies, in the way of thinking of religion and in theory itself. All in all, who is God? The Bible doesn't give God a precise definition nor any inference to anything. Be that as it may, it gives Him qualities like all amazing, all lenient, extraordinary, the start, and the end, isn't genuinely noticeable to us, and He exists for eternity. As indicated by the Bible, God is the maker of paradise and earth and through His promise; He made the universe and everything else on it. God has a child, Jesus Christ, who was conceived of the Virgin Mary and sent to spare mankind from insidious. God is fit for gift and rebuffing and is known as the Most High Father. In old style belief in a higher power, God is characterized by the equivalent magical qualities by being ageless, sovereign, the first and furthermore basic. The methodology is the same in Eastern strict considerations, Christian, Hebrew conventions or even Islam. The experimental contentions stretched out against the presence of God to a great extent depend on the information that is obtained from perceptions that thus demonstrates their decisions. One such contention radiates from the irregularity in disclosures on the presence of a god called God from the sacred writings. These sacred texts incorporate the Christian Bible, Muslim Quran, Hindu Vedas, Jewish Tanakh and the Book of Mormon. There exists an evident logical inconsistency between various sacred writings, inside a solitary sacred writing in various books, for instance, the Gospels, or between the sacred texts and some verifiable truths. The issue of abhorrence likewise energizes the contention that to be sure, God doesn't exist. Agreeing

Saturday, August 22, 2020

IMPERIALISM, VEBLEN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Colonialism, VEBLEN - Essay Example All things being equal, the ascent of World War 1 demonstrated in any case, when Veblen was composing Absentee Ownership, which he did in 1923; free enterprise had accomplished more damage than anything else. The money related administration was poor, the cost was rising and the economy was turning out to be less beneficial and less serious. The products of innovation were not being figured it out. That is the place Veblen contended that the economy or the market was sorted out in a manner that there was a ‘free lunch’ benefits for certain individuals. Some gathering of individuals could hold onto the pay without truly adding to the creation procedure. The force and responsibility for was remunerated more than work. As of now, the economy tried to direct the financial arrangements and people with significant influence just served their own advantages. In his whole financial hypothesis, Veblen is basic to the issue of colonialism, militarism, energy, patriotism, and emula tive utilization. The best business analyst ever investigates private enterprise as it is reflected in the enormous organizations, monetary foundations, colonialism, militarism and enthusiasm. He does this by taking a gander at how society is partitioned into the gatherings; the recreation class, and the remainder of the populace. The relaxation class is there to abuse the others while the remainder of the populace is described by workmanship which is continually dismissing recreation bunch bringing about a social clash. The social clashes exist in much society either in type of servitude, feudalism or private enterprise. Accordingly, the general public is isolated into two particular classes (Veblen 12). In present day times, they can be named as the endeavor and the business. The business implies development or production of new things while the adventure holding onto different people groups work or advancement. Thus, to keep up the norm, and forestall war, some type of military m ust be set up to guarantee that war is forestalled. Moreover, to guarantee that the force stays just on the hand of the couple of nationalism exist to guarantee that the individuals who underpins business as usual are extraordinarily compensated. Veblen viewed enthusiasm as the aggregate articulation of what he called the age-old human penchant (Veblen 165). He contended that nationalism was being utilized by enthusiasm of private enterprise to legitimize government censured dominion on the ground that it impeded the monetary development and it was inefficient. Emulative utilization, as indicated by him was an individual treadmill. This implies there was no chance of progress. There was no chance conceivable to get away from the cycle. As per him, the ability to administer over the general public relied upon the capacity to control the philosophies and the feelings of the remainder of the general public and that was just conceivable to the individuals who controlled the methods of c reation. Correlation of Veblen’s Ideas about Imperialism with Each of Hobson’s, Lenin’s And Luxemburg’s Views of Imperialism can be characterized as the most elevated phase of private enterprise. It is an idea in a left hypothesis of legislative issues which shows the forceful nature and attributes of present day free enterprise. The term, over the time continues changing in importance, from the traditional Marxist hypothesis to introduce day. Various researchers have diverse significance of what truly colonialism implies. Hobson, for instance, clarifies it as an indication of entrepreneur emergency. As per him, private enterprise has moved past its serious stage to another elevated level described by a

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Open SesameRing.

Open Sesame…Ring. The future of, well, pretty much everything seems to be coming to us via 3D printers. Even my completely unhealthy obsession with burritos I made a point of eating at five Chipotle locations that I had not visited prior to this summer received a huge boost from 3D printing. As evidence, witness the burritob0t, one mans attempt to use technology and culinary greatness to automatically make burritos. Up until several hours ago, I thought that was the coolest thing that you could do with 3D printing, bar none. Then I turned on the news tonight / scrolled through my Facebook feed to find a ring that can replace my CharlieCard, an RFID-fitted plastic pass that lets you ride on the MBTAs bus and subway system. After making peace with the Burrito Gods and doing some deep soul-searching, I had to admit that, yes, this was now the coolest thing I know of that can be done with 3D printing. The Sesame Ring, designed by two undergraduates at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, was first used by SUTD freshmen to tap into restricted areas around their campus. After starting a 10 week exchange program at MIT, Edward Tiong and Olivia Seow quickly adapted their invention as an easy and stylish way to pay for riding on the T. Their product has received the support of both the City of Boston and MIT, because, seriously, look at these freaking things. Theyre not only RFID-enabled rings that look like brass rats, but theyre RFID-enabled rings that you can use to pretty much punch your way into a subway station. As someone who occasionally runs into signaling problems and other delays in MBTA service, having a pass that functions both as a payment option and a source of therapy would make my MBTA experience that much better. (In fact, I liked the idea so much that I ordered a custom ring as soon as I heard of it!) Tiong and Seow have a Kickstarter page if you want a ring, too (provided you live in the United States and would use the MBTA). You can also check out the bigger project, dubbed The Ring Theory, at their website. Isnt technology cool? Thats the kind of stuff that MIT helps bring to fruition every day.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Project Plan For Project Management Plan - 1837 Words

PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Purpose of Project Management Plan 2 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF PROJECT CHARTER 2 2.1 Assumptions/Constraints 2 3 SCOPE MANAGEMENT 3 3.1 Define scope. 3 3.1.1 Scope Statement 3 3.2 Collect requirement 3 3.3 Work Breakdown Structure 4 3.4 Change Control Management 5 4 SCHEDULE/TIME MANAGEMENT 6 4.1 Milestones 6 4.2 Project Schedule 6 4.2.1 Dependencies 6 5 COST/BUDGET MANAGEMENT 7 5.1 Communication Matrix 8 6 RISK MANAGEMENT 8 6.1 Risk Log 10 7 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 11 8 ISSUE MANAGEMENT 11 8.1 Issue Log 12 APPENDIX A: PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN APPROVAL 12 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE OF PROJECT MANAGEMENT PLAN The Project Management Plan (PMP) provides the general overview and establishes specific strategies and milestones for the preparation of study notes and delivery of presentation on the topic â€Å"Developing the Project Team â€Å". The PMP will define the project s requirements and expectations. This document will be updated as required, if there is any change in the subsidiary management plans. The PMP will act as a Charter between the professor (sponsor) and the team 1. As a part of the course requirement we need to deliver a presentation and want to prepare study notes on the assigned topic to meet the course requirement for EPM 2084.The purpose of this project is to prepare the study notes and deliver a presentation on the assigned topic that is, ‘develop project team’ before the class. 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARYShow MoreRelatedProject Plan For A Project Management Plan Essay1107 Words   |  5 PagesCourse: Name Project Plan Student’s Name Professor’s Name [optional] DOS: July 28, 2015 Abstract The key element in the project management is to manage the expectations of the stakeholder. This must be performed within the reach of the project’s scope. A scope document can be designed for this which will prove helpful for the stakeholders to understand what is to be expected during the progress of the project’s course. This project plan is a telecommunication project plan which will defineRead MoreProject Plan For A Project Management Plan2266 Words   |  10 Pageselaborated project plan for the project that we have been discussing in the past weeks. The key idea of this comprehensive project plan is to prepare a detailed formal document which charts out a plan for end to end execution of the project. If a project is not supported by an adequate project management plan then it will a big risk of losing out on track and may not achieve its objectives. Hence, it is essential for every manager to bring out a project management plan before moving onto the project exe cutionRead MoreProject Plan For Project Management1342 Words   |  6 Pagesunder the broad direction of the project manager independently with the opportunity for reasonable autonomy and accountability for the achievement of project outcome along with best practices in project management methodologies. The below statement briefly captures my project management skills and qualities that I would like to be bring it across into the project life span to deliver projects within time, resource and budget constraints. †¢ During the project initiation phase, I can work collaborativelyRead MoreProject Plan For A Project Management1019 Words   |  5 PagesProject Plan Throughout the project, the Project Board uses the Project Plan as a baseline against which to measure progress. As such, the Project Plan must contain the overall schedule and cost of the project, as well as tolerances set by corporate/programme management. The Project Plan also provides a high-level view of the project’s management stages. Stage Plan(s) The Project Manager uses the Stage Plan as a baseline for everyday project management activities. Each management stage on a projectRead MoreProject Plan For Software Project Management Plan2156 Words   |  9 Pages Software Project Management Plan INTRODUCTION PROJECT SUMMARY 1 Purpose, scope and objective 2 Project deliverables 3 Schedules 4 Evolution of the SPMP REFERENCES DEFINITIONS PROJECT ORGANIZATION 1 Organizational Structure 2 Roles and responsibilities PROJECT START-UP PLAN 1 Estimation plan 2 Staffing plan 3 Resource gaining 4 Project staff training plan WORK PLAN SCHEDULE AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION QUALITY CONTROL RISK MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT CLOSE-OUTRead MoreProject Management Plan For Projects Essay2107 Words   |  9 Pages Project Procurement Management Name: Artemus Brown American Military University â€Æ' 1.1. Project management plan Project management plays a vital part in planning and determining the project s directions and it likewise guarantees that project can be executed on budget, on time and meet organization s requirements. (Bernard David, 2003) Thus, clear vision, plan and strategy ought to be resolved to know that project ought to be controlled (Holland, 1999). The project management planRead MoreProject Plan For Project Management Project1819 Words   |  8 Pagesbeginning of Project Initiation, a Project Manager is assigned, if not already present. The Project Manager works with the Project Sponsor to identify the necessary resources and team members needed to further develop the key project parameters – Cost, Scope, Schedule, and Quality (CSSQ). The Project Team documents its charge in the form of a Project Charter, which is based on the Project Proposal, which includes the initial Business Case. Approval of the Project Charter by the Project Sponsor authorizesRead MoreProject Management Plan2553 Words   |  11 Pagesclub White space Project Management Plan ____________________________________________________________ __________________ Prepared By: Evdokiya Taleva Date of Publication: 03.12.2006 ____________________________________________________________ __________________ TABLE OF CONTENTS PROJECT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 1 PROJECT SCOPE 2 IN SCOPE: 2 OUT OF SCOPE: 2 DELIVERABLES PRODUCED 2 ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACT 3 PROJECT ESTIMATED EFFORTRead MoreProject Management Plan2207 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ Project Management Plan Bruce Peters CPMGT 201 November 8, 2014 Thomas Ach The project management plan is a document that companies project manager will build to help them describe in more detail the planning of all their projects and the company itself. It can be a formal document that is used by managers to manage the project execution. The project management plan documents all the actions that will define, integrate, prepare, and coordinate the planning activities. ItRead MoreProject Plan For A Project Management Project1016 Words   |  5 Pagesof Contents 1.0 Instructions 2 1.1 About the Project Change Request 2 1.2 Completing the Project Data Section 3 1.3 Completing the Change Details Section 4 1.4 Completing the Impact Analysis section 6 1.5 Completing the Summary section 6 2.0 Completing the Approvals section 7 2.1 Check Box: 7 1.0 Instructions 1.1 About the Project Change Request A project will undergo changes during some point in the projects lifecycle. The Project Changes Request will be used to monitor and report

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Marketing concept and role as marketer for ipt Free Essays

Marketing is broad based activities involve the strategies surrounding the planning, designing, pricing, promotion, distribution of   goods to satisfy and meet the needs of customers. The centre focus of marketing activities is built around the customers. Thus, the marketing 4Ps (product, pricing, promotion, and place) are strategically enforced to bringing satisfaction to customers and at the same time make the organization or business maximize profits. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing concept and role as marketer for ipt or any similar topic only for you Order Now Thus, the different marketing strategies; pricing strategy, distributive  strategy, promotional strategy, sales strategy, product creation and branding strategy, inter-alia, these are synchronize in meeting the marketing  objectives of the organization. Playing the role of marketer for IPT product, strategic marketing plays a significant aspect in the execution of my marketing functions. â€Å"Strategy is concerned with effectiveness rather than efficiency and is the process of analyzing the environment and designing the fit between the organization, its resources and objectives and the environment† (Proctor, 2000). The roles thus include engaging the aforementioned marketing strategies to creating maximum satisfaction to customers, at the same time maximizing profit for the organization. Firstly, a product should be design to meet and satisfy the need of customers. Here, adequate research need to be conducted to ensure that the product is adequate to satisfy customers want, also making sure the quality surpasses that of competitive products in line to the IPT product. The next step is to ensure, that the right price is set for the product in such a way that it would not be under priced, where the organization cannot break-even, or over priced where customers would prefer rival’s product to our company product. Market skimming enables the marketer to know the price of competitors’ products and the right price to set for its own product. This is done after the marketer has weighed its costs of production in line with the price it decide to set for the product. Another significant role the marketer plays promotional strategy. In this case, the creation of awareness of the product to the public will burst the sales volume to be derived. Thus, adequate promotional strategy is significant role the marketer plays to increase sales volume for the product. The promotional strategy may involve trade exhibition, personal selling, and customers’ orientation on how to utilize the product among others. The marketer has different media for product promotion. This can be done through engaging mass media such as the print media, television, radio broadcasts, or the internet. Constant communication and feedback to customers keep them informed and know more about the organization’s product and innovative trend introduced by the organization. The strategy for distribution of product (place) is done to ensure that the product is available to customers when, and where the need it at the right time. The marketer also seeks out ways to satisfy the different category of customers and their needs. Marketing segmentation is a tool that is utilized in influencing the development of an organization’s product base. Market segmentation has the goal to seek out consumers who have similar desires and behavior, and thus forming heterogeneous segments to satisfy the different customers’ needs. Thus, customers’ response to price is a significant factor that results in the implementation of market segmentation by an organization. This also affects the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, and promotion) of the organization. The marketer faces the challenge of how to make product of IPT be a product leader in the industry it operates. It is then a big task on how to always strategy in such a way to make the organization be a step ahead of its competitors through curving a niche for the organization.   Rivals from time to time bring out strategy to counter those of other organization. Thus, it is then a task of the marketer to know how to strategize in such a way that the strategies of other competitors do not affect the smooth operations of the organization. Reference Proctor, Tony (2000), Strategic Marketing: An Introduction London: Routledge    How to cite Marketing concept and role as marketer for ipt, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ninoy Aquino free essay sample

Benigno â€Å"Ninoy† S. Aquino Jr. (Nov. 27, 1932-Aug. 21, 1983) I. Background Benigno Aquino of the Philippines was a leading opponent of the rule of President Ferdinand Marcos (1917–1989), who governed the Philippines from 1966 to 1986. Aquinos opposition ended in August 1983 when, after living in the United States for three years, he returned to the Philippine capital of Manila and was assassinated (killed) at the airport. Aquinos death touched off massive demonstrations against President Marcos. Youthful accomplishments Benigno Ninoy Aquino was born on November 27, 1932, in Tarlac Province, on the island of Luzon, to a prominent family. He was the grandson of a general and the son of a Philippine senator who was also a wealthy landowner. His ambition and energy stood out early when, at age seventeen, he was sent by the Manila Times newspaper to report on the Korean War (1950–53). The war was between the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (North Korea) and the Republic of Korea (South Korea), and was a war in which the United States and China eventually joined. We will write a custom essay sample on Ninoy Aquino or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page At age twenty-two Aquino became the Philippines youngest mayor in his home-town of Concepcion. Just six years later he became governor of Tarlac province (a position similar to governing a state). In 1967 Aquino once again made history when he became the youngest senator ever elected in the Philippines. Meanwhile he married Corazon Cojoangco, with whom he eventually raised five children. II. Highlight A fallen leader Aquino became famous for his gifts as a public speaker and for his brilliant mind, as well as his great ambition. He became the leading candidate for the presidency in 1973, when President Marcos was scheduled to leave office after completing the maximum two terms as president. Aquinos ambition to be president was never realized, however, because President Marcos declared martial law (a state of emergency in which military authorities are given temporary rule). At the same time Marcos dissolved the constitution, claiming supreme power and jailing his political opponents, including Aquino. Aquino was charged with murder, subversion (intention to undermine legal authority), and illegal possession of firearms. Although he denied the charges, Aquino was found guilty and was convicted by a military tribunal, or military court, and spent over seven years in prison. In 1980 he was allowed to go to the United States for a heart bypass operation. He remained in the United States as a refugee until returning to the Philippines in 1983. Upon arriving at the Manila airport he was shot and killed. Following the assassination President Marcos was pressured to appoint a five-person, politically neutral investigative board, led by Judge Corazon Agrava. Marcos and the military stated that a lone gunman who had been hired by the Communist Party had carried out the assassination. The alleged gunman, who had been shot at the airport immediately following the shooting of Aquino, could not be cross-examined. The military carried out its own investigation, and reported that no military personnel were involved in the death. The official commissions majority report found that Aquino was not slain by the alleged gunman, as Marcos and the military claimed, but was the victim of a criminal conspiracy by the military led by General Fabian C. Ver, who was the armed forces chief of staff. He was also a close friend and cousin of President Marcos. The commissions findings were astonishing, although from the beginning most Filipinos doubted the official version of the assassination. No proof was ever presented that directly showed Marcos was involved, but almost no one in the Philippines believed that military generals would order the execution of Aquino on their own. Those who suspected Marcoss involvement noted that Aquino posed a threat as someone who might unite the opposition and who had been the presidents main rival for decades. III. Lesson Aquinos legacy As it turned out the democratic opposition to Marcos was strongest after its leaders death. As Marcos lost the trust of his people, the Philippine economy also fell apart. By 1985 the nation was in political and economic chaos, with Marcos under attack by the press and by the strengthened political opposition, which did well in elections. In December 1985 the court proclaimed that General Ver and the others charged with Aquinos murder were not guilty. Marcos promptly returned Ver to his former position. Popular unrest with Marcoss rule grew steadily, however. Within weeks a political movement formed around Aquinos widow, Corazon. She was elected president of the Philippines in 1986, unseating Marcos. Reference: http://www. notablebiographies. com/An-Ba/Aquino-Benigno. html

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

France Tourist Industry

Geography, Climate and the Socio-Political History of France France is commonly officially known as the French Republic. The country is in the Western Europe with several territories and islands. France is sometimes referred to as the Hexagon because of the Hexagonal shape of its territory. It is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Monaco and Spain and Andorra lie on its south.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on France Tourist Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is connected to the United Kingdom via a Channel Tunnel which passes through English Channel. France is the largest country in West-European country with the second exclusive economic zone in the world. It covers 11,035,000 square kilometers (Dahl, 2006). France is one of the worlds most populated country and also one of the world most developed nation. It is the country with the words’ highest life expec tancy and one of the best in terms of health care facilities as listed by the World Health Organization. In terms of tourism, it is the worlds most visited country receiving 82 million tourists each year. It’s the founding member of United Nations and a member of G8, G20 and NATO among other organizations. Two third of France is composed of mountains and hills. These include the Alps, Pyrenees and Vosges ranges. Mont Blanc in the Alps is the highest mountain in Europe. The capital city of he French Republic is Paris which is the world’s most beautiful city and a popular tourist area (McKenzie, 2007). The French population has diverse origins. Many people have settled in France including Celts, Romans, Germans, Russians, Asians, Africans and North Americans. The population composition and size varies with region in France. Traditionally France used to be a rural based population but today about 75% live in cities and towns. One of the most important parts of France is a rt and culture. Many famous artists are from France with several writers coming from France. Sports are Commonplace in France with soccer being the most common sport activity in France. France is located mid-way between the equator and the North Pole. This gives France a temperate climate with some areas at times becoming either extremely cold. The Mediterranean coast is washed by the warm Gulf Stream current that provide mild winter and hot dry summers. In the mountainous regions of France, climate tends to be moderate with some considerable rain and snow (Dahl, 2006). The official language in France is French although in addition, there are more than seven officially recognized languages including Catalan, Gallo, and Tahitian among others. In addition, there are nine local French based languages which give up to 23 languages spoken in France.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main religion is Roman Catholic with Muslim, Protestant and Jewish forming the minority. The education in France is composed of 10 years of compulsory education with literacy levels being 99%. The fact that France has access to the rest of the word places it strategically to reach different markets to sell finished products as well as get raw materials for its industries (Kabundi, 2004). Dominant Economic Activity France has many economic activities which it carries on to finance its economy. Key among the economic activities is trade. France mainly relies on exports which earns it a lot of revenue. The exports are wheat, poultry, dairy, beef, pork, wine and fruits especially grapes that are used to make wine. These economic activities are agriculturally based and are mainly practiced in those areas in France that have good climate that favors agriculture. Tourism industry still remains one of the most important economic activities in France providing employment to many people. France, because of its moderate climate and a number of tourist attraction centers remain one of the most visited countries in the world. Every year travelers across the world come to France to have a look at the breath taking and interesting view of the landscapes and mountains. They also come with an interest of checking the museums and monuments. Because of these reasons, tourism in France plays a very central role and it has gained a lot of importance in the country. The government has taken all steps necessary to promote tourism. France is deeply involved with word economic bodies like GATT and WTO which continue to shape the economic. These bodies have impacted positively on the face of economic policies. These economic organizations have liberalized market and effects have created new avenues for trade which have promoted the position of France in the global market. In summary, the economic activities in France can be categorized into agriculture, industry, servi ces, trade and exchange. Industries found in France include aircraft, electronics, transportation, textile, clothing and food processing. France is the founding member of NATO and has worked to adapt NATO internally and external (Kabundi, 2004). The Effect of Globalization in France Globalization is changing countries lifestyles with the pace of economic interdependence. This in other words is changing the lives as the pace of interdependence grows between developed and emerging countries. France has reaped substantial benefits from globalization. The important question we need to ask ourselves is what efforts has France done to enable consumers, workers, companies and governments reaped the advantages of globalization which it continues to reap. On trade, globalization has enabled France to reap benefits from both imports and exports. France remains one of the most competitive trading entities in the world.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on France Tour ist Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Globalization has enabled France to gain both in manufacturing and service trade which has benefited many companies and industries. Because of globalization, France continues to enjoy strong outflows and inflows. France has experienced net outflows because its one of the most attractive sites for multinationals. Multinationals are finding it particularly advantageous to invest in France given its economic policies which are sound and its strong as well as due to its political stability. Globalization has had an effect on labor mobility in France. Because of globalization, there is now greater mobility of labor. Mobility of labor is the movement of labor from one point to another. This has enabled French firm meet their labor requirements. The immigrants have provided an offsetting factor to the declining population as well as France’s aging population (Adekola Sergi, 2007). Globali zation has an effect on France in that inflation is lower. This has been brought about by more competition and lower cost of inputs. The source of these cheap inputs is from developing countries. It’s important to note that greater demand for food and energy has pushed prices up but despite that, inflation is lower than expected. There have been net gains in employment. Employment growth has slowed down. There have been tougher labor regulations which pose a threat to employment creation in industries. The new rules on cross boarder trade will create more jobs. The other effect of globalization in France is in the issue of wages. Because of globalizations wages have gone up. The increase in wages is because of lower inflation, increase in competition and more product variety which has enhanced consumer choice. Real GDP has grown. This has been brought about by more trade resulting from opened markets. There has been an effect on technology also. Because of globalization Franc e has experienced technological diffusion. Greater technological know-how has helped to boost trade in services and has as well allowed companies in France to access more of global technology skills of developing countries which has worked well for France (Peng, 2008). Tourism Industry In France The industry I will discuss is France tourist industry. The tourism industry in France is well developed. Tourism industry is one of the most important industries in the economy of France. France is a major tourist destination in the world. Every year travelers across the world come to France to have a look at the breath taking and interesting view of the landscapes and mountains. They also come with an interest of checking the museums and monuments. Because of these reasons, tourism in France plays a very central role and it has gained a lot of importance in the country. The government has taken all steps necessary to promote tourism. The numerous castles, mountain ranges, hills, landscapes , museums and other exiting attraction centers has led to rampant growth of tourism industry in France.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tourist coming to France each year gets an opportunity to see the beauty of France as illustrated by snow capped Alps as well as the majestic Pyrenees. One is still offered the opportunity to trek to Mount Blanc which is the highest point in the country. Apart from the sceneries discussed above one is also able to check out ten coastlines along the Mediterranean Sea in the South and the Atlantic Ocean in the West. These spots offer a very suitable site for picnics and other types of holiday outings (Peng, 2008). Tourism industry still remains one of the most important economic activities in France providing employment to many people. France, because of its moderate climate and a number of tourist attraction centers remain one of the most visited countries in the world. While in France, tourist industry also offers one an opportunity to visit the beautiful cities in the country like for instance Paris which is the capital of the country and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many museums and monuments that can provide one with an opportunity to enjoy his visit in France. These include for instance Eiffel Tower, Cathedral of Notre dam, Arc de Triomphe, Chateau d’If among many others. Tourism industry is important in France and plays a major role towards the economic growth and development of the country. About 6% of the country’s revenue is generated from tourism industry. Many international visitors visit France from time to time which adds revenue to the country. The growth of tourism industry has led to growth of other industries which are an integral part of the culture of French people. For example, the continued influx of visitors has led to the growth of the handicraft industry. As people come to watch the scenery of France, they get a chance to buy traditional French articles and souvenirs. Despite the fact that France gets a lot of benefits from tourism it also has to deal with many disadvantages arising from Touri sm. The first important disadvantage is alienation of culture whereby those visiting the country come with their mother countries’ cultural practices. When these cultural practices mix with the cultural practices of France, there is an erosion of Frances culture (Page, 2009). Culture Communication Prevailing National Culture in France French culture represents the diverse nature of the country. France is considered as the cultural centre for the world. Although the French culture has some elements of modernity, it also holds strong to the traditional values and practices. But in France, one is able to see majestic art work which all forms the beauty of French culture. The culture of French has a position for the French music. According to Dahl (2006), â€Å"Basque, Corsica, Brittany are the most popular traditional types of music in France† (p.35). Also Classical music for example, French opera and Romanticism are important part of the culture. Some dos and donâ€℠¢ts also form part of French culture. For instance one is not suppose to rest his feet on the table in France. In addition, one is not allowed to speak with food in his mouth. Also one is not expected to talk with his hands in the pocket. A person in France is not supposed to use tooth pick or a comb in public. There are several foods that form part of French culture and these include for instance sauces, soup, bread, crepes, cheese, and wine among others (Dahl, 2006). According to Fons Trompenaars’ seven dimensions of culture, French culture is classifiable in seven dimensions. Under the Individualism vs. collectivism dimension France has asset of rules which govern the relationship of people with each other. The culture and value gives the do and don’ts. There are those things that you are not allowed to do by the cultural practices of French people. In the Individualism vs. collectivism dimension French people prefer working in a group as opposed to doing duties ind ividually. There is a sense of individual achievement among the French and each manager should be keen to use this to his advantage. Under Neutral vs. emotional dimension French people display emotions using various forms of communication these include verbal and non-verbal communication. There is use of gestures to give emotions. There is need for one to understand these gestures well so as to understand the message in them. Under Specific vs. diffuse dimension, the French have a definite way in which they handle relationships. They see relationships as going on in a specific and predetermined way. Under achievement vs. ascription dimension, the French people like achieving status. They do this through hard work. French people are organized and are also very concerned about their time and schedules. They like performance and they enjoy good results of hard work. Under Sequential vs. synchronic dimension French are sequential and very orderly people who believe that each time has it s own activities to be done. Under Internal vs. external dimension the French believe in having total control of their environment. This is for example shown by the way they work so hard to maintain a healthy economic status (Dahl, 2006). Analysis of Communication Practices in France Communication in France is deep rooted in the culture of the French people. We have verbal and non-verbal communication in France. One of the first non-verbal communications is eye contact. Whenever eye contact is made, it implies impartiality in France. It’s not normally used by strangers because it can bring another meaning. Eye contact is an indication of friendly relationship especially to a waiter in a hotel. Shaking hands is another form of non-verbal communication. Handshake is important in France because ones character can be judged by the handshake. The other form of none verbal communication is the double kiss. This is important especially for two close people who are parting. Itâ€℠¢s also common among family members and even among the public. French people also use gestures in their communication for instance, they count using their figures and when they are counting they begin with the thumb as number one then the index figure as number two and the middle figure as three. There is also a gesture of showing that somebody is lazy. This is done by holding one hand flat and then using the other to pull out as if you are pulling something growing on your palm as you say â€Å"Il a un poil dans la main†. There is also a gesture to illustrate how delicious something is or how beautiful a thing is. This is done by holding your figures and kissing the figure tips. After which you open your hand and toss the figures in the air. To show that you have finished doing something, you can do that easily using a gesture. What you do is to cross the arms in front of your body with your palms out then you move them suddenly out. That means that you have finished doing s omething. There is yet another gesture that shows that you want to sleep and to show that somebody is asleep here you put your palms together then you place your hands on the shoulder then rest your cheek on your hands. To add more weight or to stress that somebody is asleep you may close your eyes. There is yet â€Å"another sign that shows that one smells badly or even to show that something smells badly or is repugnant† (Dahl, 2006, p.40). This is done by holding your nose. There is a gesture associated with swearing in which you put or place your hand on top of your head. This tells that you swear or promise what you have told somebody. When you want to mean nothing you can do that using a gesture. This is done by forming a circle with you figure and the thumb. To say that you are sorry, people cover their mouth by use of either one or both of your hands. This shows that you are sorry for your actions. Light kissing is also regarded as a normal practice in this country. T he number of kisses and the side of the cheek that kiss starts varies from one region to another. French shake hands when they meet somebody and this is common especially in the business circles. It’s not good to slap an open palm over a crossed fist because this is generally considered a vulgar gesture. Cross Cultural Management Cultural characteristics affect innovation in France. For an industry operating in France must realize that culture throughout France is varied and to ensure cross cultural management it’s important to mind to treat each person with equal respect. It’s safe to be formal and reserved in your behavior and expect your French colleagues will be the same. Communication can be formal and informal depending on the relationship between you. The French culture emphasizes courtesy and a high degree of formality. The chief managers in the French companies come from a select group of Universities and share a similar background (Adler Allison, 2008 ). New managers in the French industries should carefully study the corporate culture of the companies they are coming to manage. This is because employees come from various cultural backgrounds. They therefore range between those who are open to the management to those who keep to themselves and those who believe it’s important to keep quiet and execute the orders of the management. France culture allows for intellectual adaptability and readiness for change. France is considered to have minimum tolerance to change and risk. It’s therefore important for the management to introduce change gradually having considered the benefits of the change if it’s to be accepted by the people. The fear of exposure and embarrassment brings aversion to risk. In France, failure causes long-tem loss of confidence by the individual as well as buys the others. This attitude in France is the one that the managers should look at keenly and also consider having intercultural sensitivi ty especially when conducting meetings and discussing the contributions done b y each individual (Punnett, 2010). France is a country controlled by time culture and the adherence to schedules is very important. In France, missing a deadline shows poor management skills and inefficiency. This will affect people’s confidence. So it implies that effective cross cultural management will require that an individual have the ability to meet deadlines. When it comes to effective decisions making, the management also need to have in mind that the French have a strong cultural perceptions. Hierarchy is an important part of the French business culture. In France rank has its privilege. Decisions making normally originates from top level sometimes without consultation. The French like working in a team and well coordinated groups. They value communication within the group to be quite collegial, albeit and somehow direct. French like it when the roles in the team are clearly defined (Goel dner Ritchie, 2009). This helps people to take a greater responsibility for their specific tasks. Successful cross cultural management will depend on the individual’s ability to harness the talent of the group and to capitalize on it. In the area of communications and negotiations, the French prefer courtesy and degree of formality. It’s important in France to wait to be told to sit because may be there is a protocol to be followed. During communications it’s important to try and avoid cross cultural misunderstandings. French don’t like confrontational behavior or high pressure strategies to achieving goals. These need to be avoided. It’s also good to understand that the French are very keen to detail. French are happy about good debating skills that demonstrate an underlying intelligence. It’s not wise to be too friendly to the French because they mainly focus on their business and personal lives. In summary, in France the following points are important in cross cultural management. Individual respect/demand for authority creates tension with strong belief in individualism High tolerance of blunders on the part of management Management system is elitist and autocratic, but not familial (there is a merit based element to it) Organizations are highly centralized and hierarchical with decisions made at the top Information is not allowed to filter down below certain levels of the organization The president of a French company is not answerable to anyone and status is attributed on the grounds of family, age, education, and professional qualifications (Endy, 2004). Leadership Style The management style I would propose is the authoritarian style of leadership. This is where the manager tells the employees what is to be done and the employees in return do exactly that. Employees in this type of leadership style are not given room to decide how and when to perform their duties. The manager who is seen as the boss is the on e who does that. I would propose this style of leadership based on the cultural perspectives of the French people. The organizations in France are highly centralized with decisions coming from the top. Also information is not allowed to come from the employees but instead comes from the management. Leadership style like democratic style may not work well given the culture and circumstance of French people (Endy, 2004). Appropriate Motivation Techniques for Local Workers The most important and effective means of motivating workers is providing incentive. The company can have award schemes for workers who do their work well. These incentives can take form of cash, bonus or even non-cash items. Because the French value group works, I would recommend that the incentives be given to groups and teams as well as to the individuals who perform well. The reason I fell that incentive is the best way to motivate the employees is because French are keen to detail and pay keen to minute aspects. It’s therefore in that spirit that the organization should reward them with something that they can feel. Also French have strong sense on individualism and therefore giving a reward to somebody reaches down to his personality. In addition to being given incentives, the France government can as well introduce promotional packs to the employees these promotional packs go along way to motivate the employees and feel part of the organization (Dahl, 2004). Effect of Cultural Characteristics of France on Ethics Cultural characteristics of France have an effect ethics. This is because ethics originate from values and cultures of the people concerned. For example, in a country where the culture values morals then it would be important for the industry in that country to have good ethics. In a country where culture dictates on the values then the industrial ethics must be a reflection of those values. For instance, in France the culture has an element of courtesy it becomes importan t therefore for the business to have business ethics geared towards achieving high standards of courtesy. A variation in ethical issues especially those dealing with employee welfare can work well for the tourism industry in France. This is where employees are let not just to implement policies but to generate policies as well. Culture governs ethics like you should not put your feet on the table, you should not also use tooth picks in public. Talking with hands in pockets is also not allowed. A fruit should be peeled with a knife and eaten with a fork. All hand should be kept on top of the table and one should not speak with food in his mouth (Kabundi, 2004). Key Challenges for the Retention and Dissemination of Knowledge The key challenge for the retention and dissemination of knowledge for a company operating within this country is first is the issue of dealing with employees from various cultures. Differences exist about what different people term as good or bad. Also different gestures mean different things to different people. In communicating with such people it might be a challenge. There will also be a challenge in retention and dissemination of information owing to the unique nature of kind of the clients it handles. Tourism industry handles unique clients from diverse parts of the word. Giving communication that has meaning to these people is a problem. The people come from different countries each with its own ways of communicating and passing message. Unifying all these people from different background to a common means and mode of communication is a challenge (Punnett, 2010). Conclusion France is a country of diverse culture and these diverse cultures have an effect on business ethics in the industries operating within France. Communication in France is deep rooted in the culture of the French people. We have verbal and non-verbal communication in France. France culture allows for intellectual adaptability and readiness for change. France is cons idered to have minimum tolerance to change and risk. It’s therefore important for the management to introduce change gradually having considered the benefits of the change if it’s to be accepted by the people. The fear of exposure and embarrassment brings aversion to risk (Kabundi, 2004). In France, failure causes long term loss of confidence by the individual as well as buys the others. Tourism industry in France is well developed with many visitors coming to the country throughout the year. Tourism is one of the main revenue earners. The reason why France receives many tourists is because of its fantastic landscape and excellent scenery. France has taken advantage of globalization in that it has expanded its market reaches as well as supplying it with labor. Globalization has had an effect on labor mobility in France. Because of globalization, there is now greater mobility of labor. Mobility of labor is the movement of labor from one point to another. This has enable d French firm meet their labor requirements. The immigrants have provided an offsetting factor to the declining population as well as France’s aging population (Punnett, 2010). References Adekola, A. Sergi, B. (2007). Global business management: a cross-cultural perspective. Washington, DC: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Adler, N. J. Allison, G. (2008). International dimensions of organizational behavior.5 Edn. London: Thompson. Dahl, M. (2006). France. Paris: Capstone Press. Endy, C. (2004). Cold War holidays: American tourism in France. Paris: UNC Press Books. Goeldner, C. Ritchie, B. (2009). Tourism: Principles, practices and philosophies. London: John Wiley and Sons. Kabundi, A. (2004). Estimation of economic growth in France using business survey data. London: International Monetary Fund. McKenzie, B. (2007). Remaking France: Americanization, public diplomacy, and the Marshall plan. Paris: Berghahn Books. Page, S. (2009). Tourism management: Managing for change. Munich: But terworth-Heinemann. Peng, M. W. (2008). Global business. New Jersey, NJ: Cengage Learning. Punnett, B. J. (2010). Experiencing international business and management: Exercises, projects, and cases. London: M.E. Sharpe. This research paper on France Tourist Industry was written and submitted by user Abbigail Mills to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Indefinite Articles When to Use An Instead of A - Proofeds Writing Tips

Indefinite Articles When to Use An Instead of A - Proofeds Writing Tips Indefinite Articles: When to Use An Instead of A The problem with the English language is that it rarely sticks to its own rules. This can be confusing when it comes to ensuring high grammatical standards. The indefinite article, for example, can be either â€Å"a† or â€Å"an† depending on the situation. And while this is probably a word you use on a daily basis without even thinking about it, it is still one that many people find confusing. Why Are There Two Versions of This Word? There are two versions of the indefinite article in English because it is easier to pronounce â€Å"an† than â€Å"a† when it comes before a word beginning with a vowel. Using â€Å"an† separates the article from the following noun, so â€Å"an office† is correct but â€Å"a office† would sound wrong to most people. The general rule is to use â€Å"an† before words beginning with vowels and â€Å"a† before words beginning in consonants. But, as with most rules, there are exceptions to this, which is where things get tricky. Hard Vowels One important exception is words beginning with hard vowels. This includes any word that starts with a vowel but sounds like it doesn’t, such as â€Å"university† or â€Å"Europe.† Although these words start with â€Å"u† and â€Å"Eu† respectively, they are pronounced with a â€Å"you-† sound at the beginning. For instance, it is â€Å"you-niversity† rather than â€Å"oo-niversity.† In cases like this the word should be preceded with â€Å"a† rather than â€Å"an,† as in the following example: The koala lived in a eucalyptus tree Correct The koala lived in an eucalyptus tree Incorrect Soft Consonants Another issue that many find confusing is whether to use â€Å"an† before words starting with â€Å"h.† This is, in fact, much simpler to resolve in American English than in other English speaking countries, where words like â€Å"historical† and â€Å"heroic† are sometimes pronounced with a silent â€Å"h.† In Britain, for example, you might meet people who write â€Å"an hotel† rather than â€Å"a hotel.† But in the US this is very rare. If in doubt, the key again lies in the pronunciation. Do you pronounce the â€Å"h† at the start of the word? If so use â€Å"a†; if not use â€Å"an.† For example: There was a house on a hill Correct There was an house on an hill Incorrect Basil is an herb commonly used in Italian cuisine Correct Basil is a herb commonly used in Italian cuisine Incorrect In summary, if you’re ever confused about whether to use â€Å"a† or â€Å"an† in your writing, try reading it out loud; if it starts with a consonant sound, use â€Å"a,† while words which start with a vowel sound need â€Å"an.† And if ever you see a horned horse flying a rotary aircraft, remember that it’s â€Å"a unicorn piloting a helicopter† and not â€Å"an unicorn piloting an helicopter.† You’ll find more helpful grammar tips on our academic blog, while if you’d like to have your work checked by one of our expert proofreaders here at Proofed we offer a variety of services to meet your specific requirements.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Postmodernism and Material Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Postmodernism and Material Culture - Essay Example The essay "Postmodernism and Material Culture" analyzes postmodernism and the material culture. In detail, it refrains from victimizing definitions such as female versus male, straight versus gay, black versus white and colonial versus imperial. Therefore, postmodernism holds realities to be relative to the interested parties and their main concerns. Postmodernism influences numerous cultural fields which include sociology, literary criticism, visual arts, music, architecture and linguistics. The wide range of terms in statements and assumptions in argument seem to complicate the study of postmodernism. We begin by differentiating the concepts and terms of postmodernism. The postmodern refers to a historical condition. Postmodernity assess the acknowledgment or lack of the same about postmodernism. Finally, postmodernism may be exhibited in various movements that exhibit self-awareness and intention of varying degrees. Postmodernism refers to an awareness of transition within the soc ietal and cultural spectrums following the World-War II. It also associates with the upheavals associated with the mass-mediated populist consumer culture of the 1960s-1970s. In culture and art, postmodernism contributes towards the development of hybrid cultural forms. Often, individuals of the affected localities try to be against or in support of the hegemonic Western culture. In history, postmodernism alters progress of the goal oriented history. Postmodernism disrupts myths that propagate ethnic and national identities.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

UNICEF Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

UNICEF - Essay Example UNICEF’s main aim is to provide humanitarian and developmental services to deprived children and women in third-world countries. The organization wants to help these children to survive and thrive from the time to their born till their adolescent years. It is also known to provide the most number of vaccines to third world nations. They basically strive to provide hygienic water and sanitation facilities, quality education and basic healthcare services to children. They want to protect boys and girls from exploitation, abuse, and chronic diseases and fight for their human rights. UNICEF is steadfast and dedicated to changing the lives of such deprived children of the world. Their selfless motives work towards their protection, prevention and development with the help of positive and sensible planning and supervision of policy results. UNICEF has established Millennium Developmental Goals (MDGs) to monitor child related issues globally. Their aim is to study the situation of children and women in different parts of the world, by collecting and analyzing data and work to resolve their issues by sensible tactics and methodologies. The collected data work as indicators. Then they are further disseminated and published as databases for authentic use and purposes. UNICEF is given funds, donations and grants by individuals, foundations, enterprises and the State, voluntarily ( ABOUT UNICEF). The organization has to rely on private donations and grants from governments to fulfill their mission. ... vernments contribute the most, to about two-thirds of UNICEF’s resources while the rest is contributed by private individuals through the National Committees. UNICEF aims to provide community-level services and amenities for the long-term developmental goals of children. It is also privileged to be awarded by the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 and the Concord Prince of Asturias Award in the year 2006. UNICEF is actively operating in 190 countries around the world. They support for children’s rights through their country programmes and National Committees. They have their goals and achievements in each one of these countries. With head-quarters in New York and 200 operating offices in the other countries, their mission is collectively pursued with the help of host governments. There are seven regional offices which is available for any technical help that any of these country offices require. In fact there are only 9 countries and territories of the world where it is not acti vely operating. These include; Singapore, Monaco, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Mauritius, Malta, Cyprus, Brunei Darussalam and Bahamas. UNICEF’s New York headquarters is responsible for the management and administration of resources. Their main supply of resources is done from Copenhagen. These include basic items like vaccines, medicines, nutritional supplements, equipment for emergency shelter, food items, and educational materials. Their board of directors comprises of 36 Executive Members who continue to develop policies, approve strategies and supervise administrative and financial plans. The United Nations Economic and Social Council appoint government representatives to be a part of the UNICEF’s Executive Board. They are usually elected on a three-year term basis. The current Executive Director

Monday, January 27, 2020

Eating Together The Culture Of Friday Family Dinner

Eating Together The Culture Of Friday Family Dinner Once in a few hours we think of food and chances are that we at least eat once per day. In the family setting food is easily accessible and for others it may be scarce because of the economy or the geography (Fieldhouse, 2008). At least, a large portion of families can afford what they want whenever they want while others must carefully plan on what they purchase. Nonetheless, no one can escape the biological need of food. This is to say that, everyone must eat at regular intervals whether the food is more or less nutritious. It is true that eating is a necessity of life itself but food also forms a crucial part of the cultural rituals and social relationships. Most importantly this paper addresses the family meal tradition as a symbol and material means of bringing family members together (Fieldhouse, 2008). Across different cultures and time, the aspect of food sharing is a universal medium that expresses fellowship in regards to the values of duty, sacrifice, hospitality and compa ssion. Food sharing is a gesture of friendship also symbolizing trust and interdependency. My family in particular views the Friday night dinner as a window into social bonding and relationship. As my father has always said, people you eat with define the members of your social group and the kind of food you share is a clear indication of the closeness of the relationships. For instance, there are coffee-breaks with colleagues, casual lunch or dinner with acquaintances, and of course informal dinner around the family table for family and friends. Perhaps a common picture that comes in our mind when it comes to the aspect of family dinner is a happy nuclear family with a mom, dad, and kids sitting in a nicely laid table. This is an image that perpetually describes my familys Friday night dinner. This is a tradition that my great grandparents firmly inspired as a cultural idea to be emulated as ultimate symbol of family stability and unity. This paper will look at the different roles of family members in the sustainability of Friday night family dinner examining the traditio n using the Freudian theory, the family theory, and ecological system theory. The paper also takes special considerations on the reflection of this tradition in regard to the influence on the future and its influence on the family. Family Dinner And Family Members The Purpose As a tradition, the family meal symbolizes a shared family life. Family dinner on Fridays in our family organizes the family bringing us together. This heavily contributes to our social well-being while providing predictable structure to our Fridays which is often psychologically reassuring. The success of family dinners depends on a number of factors such as the skills for preparing the food and food-buying (Fieldhouse, 2008). The appearance of the family table requires a lot of time and skilled activities that calls for both physical and mental decision making. In our family, everyone is involved in this activity; that applies to the food buying, preparations, laying the table, and serving. With our participation, it not surprising that the provision of this family meal is a symbolic demonstration that we care for our family unity and stability. This veers more on love, obedience, respect, and gratitude. From the shopping to table clearing, each family member participates in a resp onsible exercise that promotes solidarity in the family. For the longest time we havent experienced a family tension because we share a lot in our conversations at the dinner table. To The Parents During our family dinners my parents focuses on teaching us the way forward on behaviour and in particular civilized behaviour such as saying thank you and please. Excusing yourself before you the table, placing your elbows on the table, and talking on mouth full is normally discouraged. At this time, my parents taught us developmental skills such as manipulating chopsticks, literacy skills through family conversations when exchanging stories. This may seem sheepish but these are the basic fundamentals toward life and social interactions. During conversations, my parents learn more on our interests and attitudes. From these meals, my mother in particular gauges our moods and needs in the end help us solve our problems. My parents monitor the family and ensure that everyone attends to maintain the stability and unity in the family. To The children (Me) For the children the dinner table is crucial place for socialization (Fieldhouse, 2008). This is a prime setting for socialization concerning the norms and rules on family values, accepted behaviour, and expectations. From a nutritional perspective, the children learn what is considered acceptable; basically the foods and non-food. From the family dinners my siblings and I have learned manners and restraints on behaviour that the wider world requires. Through family conversations we learned of our parents attitudes and interests in relations to the world. We always help our mother prepare for the family dinner. As the eldest, I helped my mother prepare the foods and especially the vegetables and desert while my younger siblings have always prepared the table. Though a happy family, we have our setbacks. At the end of the day family members who are already tired after a busy day at work or school and probably maybe irritable meet for a family meal. Discord may arise perceived at the table maybe because of the unacceptable behaviour and injustices. Refusal to eat, complaint on bad cooking or lack of gratitude on what was served on the table are some of the things that can lead to these discord at the dining table. This can turn the peaceful mealtime into battlegrounds were verbal arguments are used as weapons which leads to a resentful silence. Therefore, family dinners have many positive virtues that are occasionally fought with difficulties and negative outcomes which greatly depend on the parenting styles. The Examination Freudian Theory Of Defense Mechanisms In psychology, Freuds input cannot be discredited in the psychodynamic theory. Even though people are no longer believing and utilizing many theories and conclusions, the basis of psychodynamic theory still form a role in theories in psychology. Frauds ego defense is one of the last remaining theories. This is also known as defense mechanism said to actively operate without the consent of the person. These defenses are significantly important when dealing with individuals inter threats. Typically, the ego defense pacts with the thoughts that are unconsciously threatening. Denial. This is perhaps the best known defense mechanism that describes situations where individuals are unable to acknowledge the obvious or face reality. This is the outright refusal to recognize what had happened or what is currently occurring. There was a time my brother and I boycotted the Friday family night dinner and we were hit the movies instead. This started bothering us as we kept thinking of the freshly made lasagne and the family conversations. We were defending ourselves from the happening of our family tradition but the realty soon checked in and we were unable to hold it anymore. Repression. On its basic form, this mechanism is self explanatory. The mechanism acts to keep the information away from the conscious awareness. Keep in mind that memories do not just disappear but they tend to continue influencing our behaviour in the future. For instance, my family and I have repressed memories of shared meals since my childhood which I intend to pass on to my kids. Fixation. This is the stunted movement that individuals feel between psychosexual stages when they experience excessive anxiety and frustration in regards to the next stage of progression. The individual remains fixed on a particular stage. My family and I are fixed to our Friday night dinner and the values it carries. This is a legacy that has been there since the times of my great grandparents. Displacement. This involves taking out the feelings, frustrations, and impulses on less threatening people and objects such as the spouse, pets, and children. A good example to this form of defense mechanism is displaced aggressive that would otherwise lead negative consequences such as urging with the supervisor and instead expressing the anger to people who are less threatening. I remember there was a time that my father had a bad day at work possibly from the pressures from the upper management passing this bitterness to us at the family table. The Theories Ecological Systems Theory (Human Ecology Theory) This theory states that the development of the human beings is inclined to the various types of ecological systems. Urie Bronfenbrenner formulated this theory to explain why we normally behave differently comparatively to how we behave in the presence of our family, work or at school. The human ecology theory accounts that throughout our lifespan we encounter dissimilar environments therefore influencing the way we behave in degrees that vary. These environments are: Micro system. This is the environment setting that we directly have in life such as the parents, friends, teachers, neighbours, and people who surrounds us. We directly have social interaction with these social agents in this setting. In this system, individuals are not passive recipients in regard to experiences, but interactive in the establishments of the social settings. In the course of the family dinner we interact with each other in the establishment of a harmonious family setting. Mesosystem. This involves the interaction of Microsystems in an individuals life. In other words, a work-related experience can be connected to the family experience. For instance, from the family dinners, my parents have taught me civilized manners and respect for others which have helped me establish positive attitude toward by siblings, peers, and teachers. This has also made me feel wanted by people who are actively involved in my life. The exosystem In this system there exists a link where an individual does not have any actively involving role and the context where he or she can actively participate. I am attached to my father than my mother and a few ago my father got a promotion and here and then he was travelling to Africa for a few months for work for several months. We all missed our father and during our Friday night dinner my mother spearheaded and listened to mealtime conversations sometimes she was supportive and sometimes she was not. In the end this made my bond with my even tighter because she was always there when my father was away. The macrosystem This is the actual culture of a person that involves the socioeconomic status of the individual, race, ethnicity, and most importantly the family. Being born in middle class family makes us hard workers and thus the reason why we meet as a family once in a week for dinner- Friday nights. The chronosystem This environment entails the shifts and transitions throughout our lifetime. This engages the socio-historical context influencing an individual. For instance, my great grandparents emphasized on family meals and culture that been passed over in different generations which has positively affected our lives, relationships and how we view the world. The family systems theory This is a theory that considers family as an emotional unit integrating systems thinking when describing complex interaction. For instance if there is anxiety among family members, the anxiety may escalate infectiously affecting all of them. And if this anxiety goes up, the connectedness of the members become stressful than comforting eventually making them feel isolated, out of control, and overwhelmed. Triangles `These are the basic units of stable relationships. These are a system that entails three-person relationships which is seen as the smallest building block of a larger emotional pool. There is no stability in a two-person system and therefore calls for a third party. This is because the tension keeps on shifting between two people is higher than the one involving a third person. When there is too much tension to be contained in one triangle it spreads to a series of interlocking triangles. This is what happens in our family dinner conversations. Sibling position In every family each sibling has a certain position which defines how the children will interact. This influences the childs behaviour and development which predictably have common characteristics. For instance, as the first born in my family i tend to gravitate the leadership position which makes my siblings the followers. During the family dinner meal, my siblings look at me to tell them what to do if i am the one preparing the meal.- who to prepare what or even shop. Differencing This is the capability of separating thinking and feelings. Undifferentiated individuals can separate the way of thinking and the feelings because their intellect is controlled by the way they feel. Thinks makes them not to think rationally while at the same time they are unable to differentiate their feelings form others. Therefore, differentiation is the abily to free yourself from the family, the realization of your involvement in a conflict and not blaming others, and being able to relate with others at emotionally. At times during our dinner times conflicts may arise but we have always solved it before it escalates. We admit to our faults and forgive each other which make us differential. The Reflection On The Tradition (1 page) Is it positive or negative? As a socially integrative function, a share meal brings people together in a web of reciprocal obligations and shared social relationships. Well, we suppose can say that one important aspect that brings people together is a family meal and if people do not gather for this family meal then the crucial weft of the family is sent to abyss (Fieldhouse, 2008). As a routine tradition, Friday family dinner has been most frequent planned ritual in our family which normally take place in our family house. The understanding over time The family meal and dinner in particular has come to represent the dynamics of the family and overtime generations are lamenting on its demise. As early as the 1920s, people were expressing worries on how the leisure activities such as the invention of the car came undermine the value of the family meals (Fieldhouse, 2008). In the times of change, family meals represented stability and perhaps the lament of the lost family may actually be the reactions to feared change in the arrangements and structures of families. The influence and the future In the olden days, dinner was seldom as a ceremonial event (Nancy, Carolina, Time, 2006).

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Dropping of the Droppings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In 1945, following the ending of World War II in Europe, the United States dropped atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, thereby ending World War II with Japan as well. This event has been controversial to the present day. With this controversy in mind, this research will analyze several aspects of this pivotal event in world history. Why Did the United States Decide to Drop the Bombs?Essentially, the US decided to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki not because of a lust for blood or an ego trip on the part of president Harry S. Truman, but simply because Japan held a mindset of victory or death. For Japan, that meant that if it was not possible to defeat the US in the war, the Japanese would kill as many American soldiers as possible. This was achieved through the massive deployment of the kamikaze, suicide warriors who would fly their aircraft into American warships, strap explosives to their bodies and tackle American soldiers, or employ any number o f other suicide techniques in order to kill US troops (Newman, 1995).Therefore, Truman chose to use the atomic bomb in an ironic way to save many more lives in the long term by using one powerful weapon to blast the Japanese into submission. Results of the Event on the United States and the World For the US, the dropping of the atomic bomb sent a powerful message to the rest of the world that this nation would not be intimidated or tolerate any aggression against it. The dropping of the atomic bomb meant years of painful physical and mental effects for the Japanese people.For the world, this pivotal event signaled the beginning of a nuclear arms race, which erupts in some ways to this day. Conclusion What is seen in the tale of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, in conclusion are lessons about the price of war, the quest for healing, and the realization that nuclear war is an option that must be carefully considered, lest it become too common a solution for the problems of the world. Works Cit ed Newman, R. P. (1995). Truman and the Hiroshima Cult. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University Press.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Excerpt “On Nonconformity” from Shape of Content by Ben Shahn

â€Å"Nonconformity is the basic pre-condition of art, as it is the pre-condition of good thinking and therefore of growth and greatness in a people†¦conformity is derived from the wholly venal business of catering to a popular market† (The Shape of Content, Ben Shahn). This piece of writing speaks of how the general public is in love with works of art, yet at the same time loathes the artists that created them, merely for being a little different than the norm. If art was about â€Å"cookie-cutter† design, then according to the eading, we should all be living in a place similar to Soviet Russia. Yes, it is extremely important to lift up and honor the Working Man, but it is wrong to tear apart art movements due to government, religion, sex, race, creed and so on. Art is something which comes from the soul and nonconformity helps to rip these few individualists away from the so-called commoners. Nonconformists explain reality in a way in which is hardly ever describ ed properly. Truthfully.Why over so many years in history were nonconformists persecuted? Did the witch burning public run out of actual threats like invasion from a foreign country or the economy, or health care? Still the artist (nonconformist) pushes forward and creates despite the enterprise of trials and tribunals. A favored line was about a modern day politician that tried to have a design on a boat sail made illegal, yet it turned out to be a legal design created and copyrighted for the Los Angeles Yacht Club.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Drawbacks Of Anabolic Steroids - 1384 Words

The Drawbacks of Anabolic Steroids and Why They Should Stay Illegal Anabolic steroids have been used and taken by humans for over half a century. The effects they provide have developed large ongoing debates as to whether these substances should be allowed to the general public. Anabolic steroid in short provide the human body a much grander potential to build muscle by helping the cells within the body produce more muscle fibers at an astonishing rate that could never be achieved naturally. Many issues have arisen like health problems relating to these drugs have stirred studies like that â€Å"Eighty-three percent of steroid users in a study had a low pumping capacity that was linked to increased risk of heart failure and sudden cardiac†¦show more content†¦In 1975 performance enhancing drugs were made illegal in and out of sports. I believe anabolic steroids should remain illegal due to the the profound negative effects they provide from health related risk to unfair competition in sports caused by these drugs. Anabolic steroids provide the benefit of increased muscle mass but at a cost of endangering your healthy both physically and mentally. To understand this issue we first need to look at the common side effects provided with these drugs. Severe acne, increased risk of tendinitis, liver problems, tumors, high cholesterol, high blood pressure leading to hypertension, heart and circulatory problems and infections such as HIV or hepatitis. These are just a few of the main health issues associated with the drugs but a list literally a page long would still not cover all the health issues associated with steroids. Steroids have even resulted in more severe problems where one study showed that â€Å"there was an 11% increase in chance of death found from steroid use†(Dosomething). These are some of the physical problems associated with the drugs but did not even mention the mental issues caused. Clear links have been found that steroids can cause depression, concentration problems and aggressive behavior leading to outburst and large amounts of aggression. Irritability has also been found along with a boat load of other physiological disorders caused by this nasty drug. All this evidence provides strong reasons whyShow MoreRelated The History of Steroids: The Legal and Illegal Usage of Steroids1466 Words   |  6 PagesThe use of steroid by athletes has been a controversial issue for some time. One can argue that the usage is totally wrong and it is against the morals and the rules of the games. Although steroids boost up the process of muscle building and endurance, it also has complications in the long run. Those that cheat their way by using and or abusing such chemicals can have serious health defects. 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They are banned by many sports leagues, but some athletes do not take that into consideration. Many athletes use steroids illegally, for a multiple of reasons. Athletes use steroids in order to gain better physical body shape and game play. In reality they are only cheating the game and themselves, slowly breaking their bodies down. The steroid use hasRead More Against Steroids in Sports Essay2217 Words   |  9 Pagesâ€Å"†¦medical researchers believe that between 1 and 3 million youths and adults have taken anabolic steroids in one form or another specifically to enhance their looks or athletic performances,† stated Nuwer (Nuwer, 61). As astounding as these figures are, the number of performance drug users is steadily increasing. With this progressively increasing numbers, it is projected that millions more will use steroids in the immedia te future (Newer, 61). Athletes have always sought an advantage in competitionRead MoreEssay about Athletes and Anabolic Steroids3631 Words   |  15 PagesWomen Athletes and Anabolic Steroids I. Introduction Anabolic steroids have been around since the 1930s. While they started out solely for medical purposes, they have now become widely accepted for recreational endeavors and heightened athletic performance. Though highly accepted, they are still very illegal without a written prescription. While they have surpassed their medical uses and found their way into top athletes and body builders, they have also crossed the gender barrierRead MoreEssay Drug Use in Sports2301 Words   |  10 PagesDrugs in sports can cost a player his or her scholarship(s) and more seriously, their lives. Everyday athletes that you may not think are doing anabolic steroids or the human growth hormone are the athletes who are the big users. 1. There are three major performance enhancing drugs that are used by the super star athletes: anabolic steroids, amphetamine, and the human growth hormone pills. 2. These performance enhancing are found in just about all fifty states and the problem is rapidly growi ng.Read More Creatine Essay1591 Words   |  7 Pagesshakes to illegal anabolic steroids. Some sports supplements are incredibly safe and effective, yet others work for a while and then fizzle out, while others still work well but do more damage than good in the long run. In the past athletes had to turn to such things as anabolic steroids or blood doping (the process of taking out blood and adding oxygen to it and putting it back into your body in order to increase a persons endurance). However, these procedures have many drawbacks. Mainly, they areRead MoreBuying A Futuristic And Pleasant Real Estate4194 Words   |  17 Pagesand amateurs add to in abuse quantities rapidly. Mass Muscle through experts in extremely short occasion consumption, mostly anabolic type of steroids. Steroids will add to your energy, as well as assist you get in excess of a characteristic fitness. However the benefit of far in excess of it is a dietary necessity. It is renowned, even in easy language; the employ of steroids is unlawful. Even if the sports people to get a drug test before all game. Just imagine your status, and how to acquire yourRead MoreErving Goffman Stigma6568 Words   |  27 Pagespraise and blame from individual creators to the ultimate products of their efforts. n an essay on performance-enhancing drugs, author Chuck Klosterman (2007) argues that the category of enhancers extends from hallucinogens used to inspire music to steroids used to strengthen athletes—and he criticizes those who would excuse one means of enhancement while railing against the other as a form of cheating: After the summer of 1964, the Beatles started taking serious drugs, and those drugs altered their