Tuesday, November 26, 2019

30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with In

30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with In 30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with â€Å"In† 30 Wordy Phrases Beginning with â€Å"In† By Mark Nichol Among the scores of verbose constructions that can be whittled down (usually) to one word with no loss of, and often with a net gain in, clarity are those phrases in the following sentences beginning with in. The replacement words are not necessarily the only (or the best) choices, and the sentences could be further refined, but employ this list to help you be on the lookout for that is, be aware of phrases like the ones presented below. They need not be automatically excised, but examine your writing for an abundance of such prolixity, and revise at your discretion. 1. Please submit your report in advance of the meeting. Please submit your report before the meeting. 2. We received a check in the amount of $1,000. We received a check for $1,000. 3. We’re implementing this policy in an effort to streamline our process. We’re implementing this policy to streamline our process. 4. Which section is this question in connection with? Which section is this question about? 5. Do not use in excess of the recommended dosage. Do not use more than the recommended dosage. 6. Are you in favor of the new system, or do you oppose it? Are you for the new system, or do you oppose it? 7. Use Form BFF in lieu of Form OMG. Use Form BFF instead of Form OMG. 8-9. Improvement will be noted in most cases (or instances). Improvement will usually be noted. 10. They have changed the procedure in order to reduce the necessary steps. They have changed the procedure to reduce the necessary steps. 11. She is attending the meeting in place of her vacationing supervisor. She is attending the meeting for her vacationing supervisor. 12. I am in possession of damning evidence. I have damning evidence. 13. They are in proximity to the epicenter. They are close to the epicenter. 14. We are in receipt of your letter. We received your letter. 15-17. I wasn’t sure what the question was in reference to (or regard to or in relation to). I wasn’t sure what the question was about. 18. You will notice these side effects in some instances. You will sometimes notice these side effects. 19. In spite of the fact that the box was clearly labeled, he could not find it. Although the box was clearly labeled, he could not find it. 20. In terms of reducing costs, the strategy has been a failure. The strategy has been a failure in reducing costs. 21. In the absence of Smith as manager, Jones was left in charge. Without Smith as manager, Jones was left in charge. 22. In the case of duplication, rename the older file and place it in the Archive folder. If duplication occurs, rename the older file and place it in the Archive folder. 23. We were speaking in the context of yesterday’s discussion. We were speaking about yesterday’s discussion. 24. In the course of the session, little progress was made. During the session, little progress was made. 25. In the event that no decision is made, the current procedure will remain in effect. If no decision is made, the current procedure will remain in effect. 26. In the final analysis, it is up to us to decide. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide. 27. He will return in the near future. He will return soon. 28. It took in the neighborhood of two weeks to complete. It took about two weeks to complete. 29. They are in the vicinity of the headquarters now. They are near the headquarters now. 30. In view of the fact that you suggested it, I think you should propose it. Because you suggested it, I think you should propose it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Cost-Effective vs. Cost-EfficientAnyone vs. EveryoneCaptain vs. Master

Saturday, November 23, 2019

10 Ways to Turn Your Part Time Job Into a Full Time Job

10 Ways to Turn Your Part Time Job Into a Full Time Job You’ve got a great part-time or contract gig with a company you love. Maybe it suited you best at the time you were hired, or maybe you just love the company and wanted to get your foot in the door. Either way, you’re ready to try moving up the ladder and getting a more permanent position. Here are 10 strategies to get you started on the path to turning your part time job into a full time job. 1. Listen to the bossYou’re at a meeting, and your boss expresses a concern or unveils a new goal. Quietly start doing everything you can to show her serious results in making that goal a reality. As soon as you’ve got something to show, or some serious momentum, clue her in on your efforts. You may just blow the rest of the team out of the water.2. HustlePut a post-it on your desk, or, you know, a notification on your phone, that says â€Å"everyone else is working harder.† Let that scare you for a second, but don’t let it be true. If you want to rest on full-time laurels, you have to hustle 10x  harder to achieve them. Come early, stay late, get involved. Prove that you’re an asset by working harder, doing more, and showing more results. How else do you think you’ll get hired for good?3. Get creativeDon’t just do your project, turn it in, and shut down until you get the next one. Don’t just focus on the one aspect of the company that lands in your lap on a part-time basis. Try thinking about how your piece of the puzzle fits in with the rest of the company, and try to keep the big picture in mind. If you can show not just the value of your own work, but that you have a good sense of the company as a whole, you’ll distinguish yourself among the other freelancers and temporary employees.4. Be better than you are on paperMaybe your resume-worthy experience is kind of thin, but you really get what’s going on here, in this field or in this company. Prove it. Show you’re wise beyond y our laundry list of accomplishments. Show your talent and your drive. If you prove yourself to be extra insightful, your boss won’t care what’s on your resume when it comes time to make hiring decisions.5. Be proactiveIf you want to graduate to full-time, you should make your boss feel like you already are full-time. That means going above and beyond on every project, insinuating yourself into the most important discussions, proving that you’re already an asset and part of the team. Going the extra mile now will make it very easy for your boss to see you in that rosy full-time light when it’s time to make decisions.6. Speak upDon’t just meekly submit your work. Submit your work with insightful feedback, or the great ideas you’ve got for how to help the company progress. Showing your investment in your team and the work you’re doing can go a long way toward getting you a full-time gig.7. Sell itIf you believe in the company, sell it. G et out on social media, spread the word. Be such a good spokesperson that the company is terrified to lose you, lest you focus your excellent attentions somewhere else. If you believe in them, they’ll believe in you. It’s mutually beneficial!8. TeamworkDon’t just distinguish yourself and go about doing anything necessary to achieve your personal goals. Nobody likes a mercenary. Be a team player instead. Don’t just prove to your boss that you’re essential, make sure your team knows it as well. Stand together and you’ll be stronger for it.9. Play the long gameAs much as possible, show long-term interest in the company’s strategy and goals for the future, and indeed the future of the industry. That means staying abreast of trends and innovations, and constantly engaging in how to advance the company in the field. Even if you don’t get this particular full-time gig, you’ll be an asset in the next place you look.10. Self-star tCome early, stay late, get involved. Don’t go to a meeting without having a few  suggestions or ideas. Make an effort with every project, on every team. Show you’re  more or less full-time already; hiring you permanently would be an inevitable  formality. Sometimes it’s the little things and the extra above-and-beyond details  that will really make a difference in how you’re valued.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Skepticism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Skepticism - Essay Example In addition, some people decide to moral because they respond to moral choices and dilemmas in the manner they have witnessed or seen their friends, parents, and role respond. Therefore, some of the time some people chose what is moral because they have learned that doing that sort of thing is right and good. People are moral because our reinforcement comes from instinct for self-preservation; briefly, self-interest is the cause of being moral. On the other hand, some people choose to be immoral due to the fact they desire to attain certain things for less efforts. For instance, a person may decide to steal in order to get money because they know working is tedious - so stealing is an easier way of obtaining money than working. Â  Morality is about both obeying the set rules and evaluating the consequences. There are certain rules and regulations that set out by society that must be respected in order to live in harmony with other people, therefore people will tend to be moral by ob eying the set standards in society. People maintain their moral status because they assess the result of their actions. For instance, a person is fond of telling lies and s/he will think of what happens when the truth will finally be realized (Kurtz 56). Therefore, people will choose to be moral in order to live harmoniously and avoid harming oneself. For instance, Descartes was skeptical about everything he did in that his life was characterized by constant thinking and questioning. He doubted everything, and it is only through this he claimed search for true knowledge. Descartes doubted his own existence in order to establish reflective thinking and questioning. Socially, Descartes relation with the society was not that of an outgoing person. He spent most of his time improving his previous writings or coming up with new ideas. The Discourse on method is one of his notable publications among others. In his work, Structure of the Meditations, Descartes gives preeminence to meditati on as one of the best ways to find what is true (Descartes 45). For somebody to suggest meditation, it means that he has meditated before. Meditation, according to him, is focused on ignoring every truth and belief of this world. At the end, he was able to establish true knowledge of what is right and wrong in society. Every person develops his own original position on which he or she decided principles of justice behind the veil of ignorance (Sinnott-Armstrong 79-82). The basis of this strategy is that no one knows his/her place or social status in society nor does anyone know his/her fate in the distribution of social goods since all are under the veil of ignorance. The veil of ignorance limits people from knowing what justice entails. Putting in mind everybody is morally upright, it will be rational to consider all the social primary goods, which includes opportunity and liberty, wealth and income and the grounds of self-respect. With this in mind, these will form the basis of th e policy whereby programs put in place will ensure that all these things are distributed equally; unless under special and justifiable circumstances, unequal distribution of these goods is to the benefit of the least favored. In addition, person will be entitled to have an equal right to all the goods available. The office in charge will be transparent and fair to all under conditions to ensure

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Indonesia And Role In Asia-Pacific Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Indonesia And Role In Asia-Pacific - Essay Example However democratization process since the removal of President Suharto has been keenly observed and followed by the international community. During this historic period as Indonesia moves from thirty-two years of authoritarian rule to democracy, massive changes are required to lay the foundation for constitutional liberalism and a democratic political structure. The experiment has both been pleasant and agonizing for the people. The entire country is in a state of turmoil since the removal of dictatorship. It is because with political arena how open, many issues have jumped out of the box that had hitherto been closed by President Suharto's firm reign. Political, ethnic and religious and regional conflicts have bubbled to the surface among many economic uncertainties. But those who are in support of democracy are seeing the silver lining in the form of freedom to choose. They are now in a position to elect their own leaders- something that an entire generation was denied. The people hope the politically restrictive policies will no longer come into play and Indonesia would emerge as a leader in Asia-Pacific region. Once we have discussed the current political structure in the country, we shall discuss how this has been impacting Indonesia's role in the region. So far the situation in Indonesia's political structure has not been very encouraging. ... Combine this with other changes such as the restoration of freedom of speech and association and a more liberated press, and you have a country seriously in transition. The best part is the reduced role played by the army, Tentera Nasional Indonesia, TNI, in the larger affairs of the country. While these changes may appear too many too fast to an outsider, the people of Indonesia are frustrated with the gradual democratization process. Many feel that corruption is still a huge problem in the country2 It has also been found that no sincere effort is being made to solve old corruption cases and President Suharto has not been taken to task for his role in some serious cases.3 The common man on the street has not felt any economic change and ethnic conflicts are perpetually hurting the political and social fabric. If we judge the performance of Megawati's government by Indonesian standards, we might not term it totally futile. It had been actually been strong enough to last longer than other regimes and had some consistent economic and political policies to follow. But according to one analyst, these policies: [...] resulted in socio-economic instability in the lives of ordinary, people: Employment uncertainty, price uncertainty, uncertainty of access to medicines and hospitals and to higher and vocational education. At the present time, the causes of these uncertainties are not perceived to be the absence of a 'strong man' but of the prevalence of culture of self-enrichment, and of rivalry power and resources, among the old parties. (Lane, 2004) In April 2004, we witnessed the rather bizarre election results when a hung parliament made it clear that none of the

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Human Genetic Engineering Essay Example for Free

Human Genetic Engineering Essay â€Å"Human genetic engineering is the alteration of an individuals genotype with the aim of choosing the phenotype of a newborn or changing the existing phenotype of a child or adult. It holds the promise of curing genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, and increasing the immunity of people to viruses. It is speculated that genetic engineering could be used to change physical appearance, metabolism, and even improve mental faculties like memory and intelligence†. (Wikipedia) There are many risks associated with putting genes into a human body while getting the desired results. There are genes that are carried in on viral vectors and we have altered these budgets so that they do not infect a person with a disease. There have been several deaths in gene therapy trials, such as â€Å"Jesse Gelsinger†, in 1999. Genetic engineering has attracted much controversy, pros and cons. There have been cries that scientists are â€Å"playing God† and this will lead to a two-tier society or as some would say; the haves and have- nots. This isn’t any different that the cries that were heard across the world when Louise Brown, the first child to be conceived by IVF treatment, was born. This was in the late 1970’s. Today IVF is a common but expensive fertility treatment. Genetic engineering holds the potential that parents would assemble their children genetically, to be smarter or more athletic or have a certain eye or hair color. It is this genetic engineering of humans that frighten people. They are afraid that we would somehow design the human race. But then again, people say that this could be a benefit to be able to sort out the genes that criminals have and weed it out. It is also said that a genetically engineered human could suffer from a reduced sense of individuality. A cloned child might feel that their future is worth less than a non cloned child. Critics also argue that cloning would encourage parents to value how well child can genetically meet their expectations rather than loving them for who they are. It is also said that with cloning humans, that parents and society would view their children as objects rather than a person with actually feelings. If human cloning becomes a reality and a regular social practice, parents might want to â€Å"play the lottery† and chose their child genetically. One of the saddest parts about genetic engineering is that it could end human individuality. Everyone would want to be skinny, muscular, beautiful, and intelligent and who knows what else. If your DNA could be shaped would you choose inferior traits? This could possibly end artistic expression and individuality, and make everyone predictable, identical, and boring just like a robot.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Bipolar Disorder Essay example -- Research Disorders Bipolar Essays

Bipolar Disorder   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bipolar disorder is often considered a hereditary disease. According to the National Mental Health Association (2001) a specific genetic link to bipolar disorder has not been found. Studies show that 80 to 90 percent of those who suffer from bipolar disorder have relatives with some form of depression (NIMH, 2001). Bipolar disorder is a mental illness involving one or more episodes of serious mania and depression which causes individuals to feel an euphoric type high or feeling really low. Over 2.5 million people in America have bipolar disorder. This disorder usually occurs during adolescence or early adulthood and continues throughout life. Although, young children can be diagnosed with manic depression as well. Bipolar disorder also shows symptoms by being very irritable and having destructive tantrums throughout the day. Sommers (2000), wrote that teenage guys and girls are equally likely to experience manic depression, but it is often more apparent in girls ( p.15 ). This is because guys do not like admitting to being depressed because it makes them look weak and have no control, so they tend to hold back their feelings which will only make their life more difficult. In contrast girls are more prone to talk about their feelings than guys are. Diagnosing individuals with bipolar disorder is very difficult due to the fact that many people deny that anything is wrong because he or she likes the feeling of being in high mood. Another reason diagnosing is difficult is because the problem may be related to some other type of illness or accompanied with a coexisting problem like substance abuse, poor performance in schoolwork and jobs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Bipolar disorder ( a.k.a. Manic Depressive illness) is a disorder that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function ( National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 2001 ). This disorder consist of severe episodes of highs and lows that individuals go through. These highs and lows have a much greater impact on an individuals life than the normal highs and lows people go through everyday. These episodes can lead to unwanted behaviors, depression, anxiety and can lead to suicide if not treated. There are four categories in which bipolar disorder is classified according to symp... ...s through medications. There are several different types of medications on the market today used for treating bipolar patients but the oldest one that has shown a significant decrease of episodes is known as lithium. Lithium is a natural and standard mood stabilizer that has been extremely beneficial in treating bipolar patients. Also, many BD patients will also be prescribed to some type of antidepressants like, Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil. Sleeping aids are sometimes prescribed for short term therapy for patients dealing with insomnia. Most common prescribed sleeping aids are xanax, topamx. A combination of these medication has shown to be effective, but reported patients having hard-take side effects. Taking a combination of anti-psychotics, sleeping aids, thyroid supplements, and benzodiazepine is sometimes called med cocktails. Patients taking medications are also advised to seek professional help from psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, or some type of mental health professional. This is an essential part of treating people with bipolar disorder who want to keep this disease in control and not it controlling ones life.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Religion, Wealth and Poverty Essay

Outline the work of one religious agency working for world development and explain why it does this work. The religious agency, Christian Aid was set up in 1944, originally known as the British Churches Ecumenical Refugee Council. It was primarily created to help the thousands of homeless Europeans as a result of the Second World War. It became known as Christian Aid in 1945 and was filed as only a segregated department of all of the non-Roman Catholic churches the British Council of Churches and provided great help to the poorer people surviving in lesser economically developed areas. Christian Aid is now a worldwide organisation and has become an agency for the churches of the United Kingdom and in Ireland, working wherever their need is superlative, irrespective of the religion of this area. As well as doing this work, Christian Aid supports local organisations who are better at understanding the needs in their specified areas, whilst continually helping those in need with the sixteen offices they retain overseas. Christian Aid believes in helping people gain strength in finding their own solution to a particular problem rather than simply helping and leaving, Christian Aid provides withstanding support. In addition to this work, Christian Aid strives to transform a New World by ending poverty and continuously campaigns for the change of the morals and rules that allow the poor to get poorer. Christian Aid works and provides help in over sixty countries in the world today, supplying emergency aid and long term aid to organisations, which are working to create the end of poverty. Christian Aid prefers to work through local organisations in areas of lesser-developed economies, as they believe that these organisations understand the needs of their people best. A great plus of the agency of Christian Aid is that it works in all areas despite the religion or race of the place they are working in. In order to achieve the high aims set by Christian Aid, their work can be divided into four sections and they are as follows. Fund raising is a major issue and to be able to start any work in relieving the issue of poverty, Christian Aid has to tackle the problem of funds, which can be raised in several ways. In 1975, it was organised so that every year in May, Christian Aid week could be held as a nationwide even. This is where churches provide information about Christian Aid to almost every home in certain areas by posting letters through their letterboxes and asking for donations. In 1995, a record à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½8.6 million was raised for Christian Aid via this process. In addition to this, certain parishes and individuals organise events to raise money for the agency and in the past have contributed more by this process than in Christian Aid week. Emergency aid is also taken into consideration as Christian Aid set up a fund known as the â€Å"disaster fund† so it could be immediately used if a natural disaster were to occur and has often overtaken long term aid due to its efficiency in helping people survive the effects of a natural disaster. The work done by Christian Aid involves providing and sending food, medicine and materials to build shelters for the victims of such natural disasters as hurricanes, floods and earthquakes. An example of this aid was when blankets, tents and food were sent to refugees in Bosnia and Rwanda and when food was provided for drought-stricken Zimbabwe. This specified version of aid is so important that nearly 15% of Christian Aid’s funds are spent on it per annum. Long term aid is equally important and fortunately, Christian Aid is greatly advantaged in this area as it has contact with the organisations who receive the aid and the majority of Christian Aid’s emergency and long-term aid is diverted through Christian associations within the country concerned. If is often for these establishments to come up with fund-raising ideas to help relieve certain aspects of poverty in their area and then ask Christian Aid to finance these propositions. An example of this is when in Columbia, poor farmers were being threatened to be evicted from their homes. Fortunately, the farmers were able to establish an alternative environmentally friendly method which allowed them to develop their area that would provide an income for these farmers and their families. Christian Aid and the European Union are negotiating the finance of this scheme. Another example of Christian Aid helping lesser developed countries is in Bangladesh, where Christian Aid are funding a group of Christian workers to make basic drugs for medicine which are unavailable in Bangladesh. Consequently, as Christian Aid helps in all of these diverse and different areas, their main aim is to help people to help themselves. Education is a key factor to the success of Christian Aid. Nearly 5% of Christian Aid’s funds is consumed on education about the greater need of development and the way in which Christians are enabled to provide this help to those in need. The association of Christian Aid produces a newspaper, Christian Aid News, along with many other educational articles which not only provide information on the projects that Christian Aid is working on but how they are improving the rate of development in lesser economically developed areas. Christian Aid advocates campaigns for the improvement of living and health conditions in lesser-developed areas. Christian Aids motivation is built upon the Christian belief that all people are equal in the eyes of God and so therefore all deserve the same things. This organisation is driven by the beliefs that God cares about the poor and their lifestyle, wanting them to be treated accordingly. It is also believed that the worth and importance of a person is not measured on how much money they have or the material belongings that they may possess. It is written in the Bible that what counts is a persons desire to do good, their faith in God and actions towards other people. Due to these Christian beliefs, Christian Aid does everything within its power to help those who are less fortunate in both this country and abroad. The quotation, â€Å"There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all once in Christ† taken from Galatians 3:25 is the basis of the Christian Aid’s work. It is believed that everyone has rights and so deserves to be treated the same, despite their circumstances, creed, nationality, religion or colour. In conclusion to the work of Christian Aid and its motivation, it is clear that their main aim is not only to assist the poor, but help them learn to help themselves and by doing this, Christian Aid are increasing the development of the developing world. The motivation of this agency is obvious due to the fact that they are Christian and it is God’s belief that you should use everything within your power to help those in need of your help. Christian Aid believes that â€Å"From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole Earth,† Acts 17: 26, so that everyone is equal in the eyes of God as they were all created from the same mould, therefore everyone should be treated respectfully. Thanks to these beliefs, Christian Aid’s work is helping to eradicate the growth of poverty and sustain a development in the lesser-developed areas.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Strategy of Apple Brand

INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS STRATEGY OF PARENT COMPANY When a firm decides to go international with their business they must face many competitive decisions. Two of the most important decisions a company will face are the pressures for cost reduction and pressures for local responsiveness. The pressure of cost reduction forces a firm to lower their value of the cost of creation. Firms can outsource to places where costs of their products are much cheaper or they can mass-produce a standardized product in one location. A firm must have the feeling of local representation.Every country has its own way of life. If a company does not adhere to each country’s differences in traditional business practices, distribution channels, and the demands from the host government, there will be no reason going international. Customers in different countries all hold to their own ways of doings things. It is important for a multinational firm to become aware of all traditions and rules in the countr ies of entry. There are four different strategies an international corporation can choose from. They are global standardization, localization, transnational and international.Each strategy leads to the deciding factor that firms will use to determine the amount of pressures for cost reduction and local responsiveness. Global standardization is used to increase profitability by obtaining cost reductions through economies of scale. A firm whom wants to pursue a low-cost strategy on a global scale will normally offer a product that can be mass-produced at a low cost. A localization strategy offers a product that is custom to the host country. The product satisfies the countries preferences and taste. The third strategy is transnational.It is used when the firm is faced with strong pressures for both reduction and localization. This strategy is hardly used when competitors are in the market because it is hard for a firm to please the local tastes and preferences of its customers at a lo w cost. The last strategy is international. This strategy is used when firms are confronted with low pressures for both cost reductions and local responsiveness. This strategy is scarcely used when competition enters the market. With each strategy, business can find which one works best for their organization. Also Case Study will describe why Apple Inc. is a very successful company.Companies will decide to go international depending on the country it chooses to enter and the amount of profit it can earn. In corporate strategy there are two types of diversification, linked and constrained. â€Å"Companies using linked diversification, enter new businesses when it relates in some way to another business they are already in but it does not necessarily have any connection to their other businesses. If they are using constrained diversification, they only enter a new business if it is based on their core resources or competencies.Companies based on linked diversification have little coherence to their overall corporate strategy, while companies using constrained diversification tend to be more focused. Constrained diversification allows companies to maximize the effect of their resources because they are shared (100). † Apple is a personal computer, hardware and software company, inhere ntly leading to use constrained diversification because they utilize their competition and they share resources between businesses. For example iPods, iPads, iPhones, MacBooks and Apple TVs all run on the same operating system.This intends customers to link their music with laptops, TVs, cell phones and other Apple products. This allows for a more appealing product to the customer. Apple is saving money by sharing resources throughout their multinational business. The product of Apple has such a distinct business that competitors have not been able to match their techniques. Each electronic device is unique, allowing for them to be used anywhere in the world and each is different from any of its competitors. Apple’s goal for a mobile business is to be fundamentally innovated and differentiable.It does not concentrate on the size of its industry because it maintains strong profit margins that have high percentages in the industry’s profit share. Apple does not focus on the quantity of its products but the quality and relevance. â€Å". Peter Drucker wrote that â€Å"What makes the future happen is always a business’s embodiment of an idea of a different economy, a different technology, a different society. It need not be a big idea; but it must be one that differs from the norm of today†. This means defining what the devices are (e. . , a pocket-sized device, or a tablet-sized device), and what they do. Apple must do this through constant innovation. † Apple has secured itself as the industry innovator and a position of strength by constantly defining what their products are and what their products do. Since Apple is continuously redefining the industry, they do not need an overwhelming market share. Apple can dominate the market through their intelligence of inventing new electronics and the respect they have for their customers.Apple’s basic business model is to sell hardware; every other product, iTunes, Apps, operat ing systems, is to make their hardware more valuable. The main goal of this strategy is to maximize the value of the firm. Customers are willing to pay high prices to obtain products of high value and high quality. Within an international business setting, firms are competing to receive the highest profit against one another. Apple is competing at a differentiation strategy. They increase the attractiveness of their products, making the products stand out so customers will purchase their products over another.Apple’s strategic positioning choice is to have high valued electronics that all customers want. Apple products are unique compared to the rest of the world. This allows Apple to charge a higher price. Many people are willing to buy Apple products because they are well produced, have a high quality and are known as a luxury item to the customers of Apple. Apple’s main goal is to maximize all values for the firm. This includes increasing shareholder value in a lega l, ethical and a socially responsible manner. Managers can increase the profitability of a firm by pursuing strategies that lower costs or by pursuing strategies that add value to the firm’s products. Managers can also increase the rate at which the firm’s profits grow over time by pursuing strategies to sell more products in existing markets or by pursuing strategies to enter new markets†. Apple is always looking at new ways to increase its value and shareholder profit. Our main strategy to increase profit is to add value, raise prices and to enter new markets.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essays

The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essays The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essay The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essay The cordial reception industry is one of the most of import industries globally since it generates one million millions of dollars across the world.This industry is big and it indirectly and straight employs staff in different professions including hotel industry, touristry industry, air travel industry and other industries. The cordial reception industry chiefly relies on disposable income of clients and presence of leisure clip since many services in this industry are enjoyed during leisure clip ( Beaver, 2002 ) . This industry is an of import gross earner in different economic systems particularly those which rely on touristry as a major beginning of authorities gross. However, the cordial reception industry is a really sensitive industry which thrives on economic and political stableness of assorted finishs and economic systems. Political and economic instability has a direct inauspicious consequence on this industry and may take to drastic gross losingss by such economic systems ( Clifford, 2008 ) . It is hence of import to analyse this industry in relation to available chances and present menaces in order to foretell future tendencies. This paper will measure the hereafter trends in the cordial reception industry. The available chances and present menaces will be used to determine these tendencies. The paper will concentrate on both a planetary attack and an attack from the United States concern environment. Recommendations on what should be done to better the hereafter of the cordial reception industry will besides be given. The discussed issues will be summarized at the terminal. Future tendencies Short term diminution of industry due to economic crunch The cordial reception industry is one of the most affected industries every bit far as the planetary economic crunch is involved. This industry relies on disposable incomes of households and due to the effects of the crunch ; people are no longer able to afford vacations and leisure activities. Almost all states experienced inauspicious effects of the crunch and the touristry industry was one of the most affected. For case, touristry in Europe declined by over 5 % over the past three old ages, due to effects of the fiscal crisis ( Theobald, 2008 ) . In the US, the industry declined by 3 % in footings tourist reachings. Worldwide, the touristry industry declined by an norm of 4 % over a similar period, which translated to 880 million tourers ( John, 2010 ) . Although many economic systems are fighting to cut down the effects of the crisis, the cordial reception industry will be among the last to bask the benefits of monolithic fiscal injections to economic systems by authoritiess. Thi s is because services in the cordial reception industry are considered luxuries by many families and luxuries are the concluding demands satisfied by rational existences after all other demands are exhausted. Long term growing due to monolithic investings In the long tally, the cordial reception industry is expected to turn mostly due to the massive investings which are being undertaken around the universe. One of the finishs where there is heavy investing in the industry is the Middle East and specifically Dubai. Billions of dollars have been invested in Dubai with the intent of developing substructure needed to do it a universe category finish. Investing in hotels, belongingss, golf classs, conveyance, edifices, cultural museums and other tourer attractive forces have been realized in recent old ages. This includes the worldaa‚Â ¬a„?s tallest edifice and a seven star hotel ( Conrad A ; Alison, 2009 ) . Other authoritiess which rely on touristry as an industry for gross aggregation have besides made monolithic investings. This shows that in the long tally, consumers will hold a larger assortment of leisure activities to take from, which will promote the growing of the cordial reception industry. Execution of entire quality direction There has been a gradual betterment of service proviso in the cordial reception industry due to the execution of entire quality direction. This scheme involves betterment of the quality of services provided to increase efficiency, cut down costs and run into the demands of all stakeholders in the industry. The Malcolm Baldridge Awards introduced in recent old ages has helped better quality of service in this industry since it targets entire choice direction of houses in the industry ( Christine, 2006 ) . The Ritz Carlton hotel was one of the first to win the award, and to put new criterions in proviso of service in the hotel industry. Many houses in the cordial reception industry have recognized the importance of bettering service proviso due to intense competition and market consciousness of merchandises offered. The betterment of service proviso is likely to promote the growing of the industry in the long tally. Potential menaces and chances There are assorted chances which can be exploited in the cordial reception industry. There are besides assorted menaces to this industry and these should be mitigated to guarantee the industry is successful in the long tally. These chances and menaces will be discussed below ; Opportunities The major chance in the cordial reception industry is investing in substructure needed to fuel the growing of the industry and aim new and emerging markets. It has been discussed that many authoritiess and private house are puting in the industry particularly in the Middle East. It is of import to promote consumers to demand such services if the effects of the planetary economic crunch are to be mitigated. This can be done through supplying markets with unique services which were antecedently non offered and decrease of merchandise monetary values to promote local touristry in different states ( Jacques, 2000 ) . Local touristry has a really big potency in many finishs, although it is underexploited in most instances. Packages which encourage local touristry should be developed and services which meet local demands made available in order to enable long term growing of the industry. Menaces Global economic crisis One of the greatest menaces to the hereafter of the cordial reception industry is the planetary economic crunch. The planetary economic crisis has led to decrease of the growing and development degrees of most economic systems. This crisis has besides led to massive unemployment and decrease of the disposable income of many households ( Lennon A ; Malcolm, 2008 ) . It was antecedently discussed that the cordial reception industry thrives on disposable income of clients and presence of leisure clip. The planetary economic crunch has reduced the disposable income of households. It has besides led to decrease in leisure clip since many employees strive to work for longer hours in order to gain higher wages which can extenuate effects of the crisis. The decrease of incomes and leisure clip has led to a lessening in purchase of services in the cordial reception industry by consumers. Fewer people are able to go for leisure or have repasts at eating houses and hotels since they consider t hese services to be luxuries. Unless equal stairss are taken to cut down the effects of the planetary crunch, many houses in the cordial reception industry may confront losingss in the long tally. Deductions of the tendencies on cordial reception industry The deduction of these tendencies in the cordial reception industry is a short term diminution and a long term growing of the industry. Although the industry has declined late due to the effects of the fiscal crunch, there is possible for growing in the hereafter due to monolithic investings and consumer consciousness of merchandises offered. However, the private sector and authorities have a duty of collaborating of this growing is to be achieved. Massive investings, invention of alone services and consumer consciousness of merchandises offered is cardinal to accomplishing this growing. It is of import to do the undermentioned recommendations if long term growing of the cordial reception industry is to be achieved in future. Recommendations Government intercessions There are assorted authorities intercessions which should be implemented if the cordial reception industry is to turn and develop in future. Government intercessions should largely affect steps which stimulate economic growing and development every bit good as the creative activity of an environment which encourages the growing of the cordial reception industry ( Cooper, 2005 ) . This includes a fiscal bundle which is geared towards promoting more public investing and economic stableness of houses particularly during the current planetary economic crisis. It should besides affect development of substructure which will guarantee that the cordial reception industry is able to run into the diverse demands of clients. Merchandise distinction Product distinction is of import in run intoing alone market needs across different environments. It involves developing alone merchandises to run into diverse demands in different environments. Firms in the cordial reception industry should set about research on market demands and develop merchandises which meet alone demands across different environments ( Wilkerson, 2003 ) . This will guarantee that customersaa‚Â ¬a„? demands are satisfied and they remain loyal to suppliers of such services. In bend, the cordial reception industry will bask long term profitableness.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

The Role and Duties of Canadian Members of Parliament

The Role and Duties of Canadian Members of Parliament Beginning with the October 2015 federal election, there will be 338 members of parliament in the Canadian House of Commons. They are elected in a general election, which is usually called every four or five years, or in a by-election when a seat in the House of Commons becomes empty due to resignation or death. Representing Constituents in Parliament Members of parliament represent the regional and local concerns of the constituents in their ridings (also called electoral districts) in the House of Commons. Members of parliament solve problems for constituents on a wide variety of federal government matters - from checking on individual problems with federal government departments to providing information on federal government programs and policies. Members of parliament also maintain a high profile in their ridings and take part in local events and official functions there. Making Laws While it is public servants and cabinet ministers who have direct responsibility for drafting new legislation, members of parliament can influence legislation through debates in the House of Commons and during all-party committee meetings to examine legislation. Even though members of parliament are expected to toe the party line, both substantive and fine-tuning amendments to legislation are often made at committee stage. Votes on legislation in the House of Commons are usually a formality following party lines but can be of significant strategic importance during a minority government. Members of parliament can also introduce legislation of their own, called private members bills, however it is rare that a private members bill passes. Watchdogs on Government Canadian members of parliament can influence federal government policy by participating in House of Commons committees which review federal government department activities and spending, as well as legislation. Government members of parliament also raise policy issues in caucus meetings of members of parliament of their own party and can lobby cabinet ministers. Members of parliament in opposition parties use the daily Question Period in the House of Commons to raise issues of concern and bring them to the attention of the public. Party Supporters A member of parliament usually supports a political party and plays a role in the operation of the party. A few members of parliament may sit as independents and do not have party responsibilities. Offices Members of parliament maintain two offices with corresponding staff - one on Parliament Hill in Ottawa and one in the constituency. Cabinet ministers also maintain an office and staff in the departments for which they are responsible.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Legality of Abortion Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legality of Abortion - Research Paper Example The key arguments in support of abortion are to counter unexpected pregnancy, to reduce over population, and finally as the expression of woman’s right to her own body. The last is a true and correct statement as all the people have the right to do what they wish to their own bodies. However, they should understand one thing that the unborn baby is a different individual. Even though it resides inside its mother, it is a separate entity and has got a separate existence from its mother. The DNA and other elements of the body are entirely its own. Since the moment of conception, it is completely a distinct genetic individual. Looking at this issue, it is clear that abortion for any cause is wrong. Therefore, the call in favor of abortion because of unexpected pregnancy or abortion for the sake of convenience or as an expression of woman’s right to her own body is not tenable. Arguments for and Against Admittedly, the first and most prominent argument against abortion is t hat if abortion has been deemed to be moral in any phase of human development, there would not have been a greater cry for the enactments of law banning abortions. Admittedly, most of the religions in the world oppose the legalization of abortion. Abortion is similar to murder where an unborn baby is chopped up for the mistakes of his parents or sometimes for the benefit of others. As there is an inception of life since the conception, abortion can be regarded as a crime against the sanctity of human life. No civilized society permits to harm an individual intentionally or take one’s life without punishment and so abortion also is not an exception. Hence, in a society where murder is considered to be immoral and a crime, abortion must also be considered as a punitive crime. Some others argue that abortion is an alternative for contraception on the ground that any method that is used to prevent a woman from being pregnant can be considered as contraception. However, it is fund amentally foolish to claim so because unlike contraception that prevents pregnancy from taking place, abortion is committed only after the woman becomes pregnant. Pregnancy is a result of the failure to use effective contraceptives. Equating abortion with contraceptives is a falsified idea. So, abortion cannot be given the meaning of contraception. Abortion of pregnancy as a result of rape is another kind of moral puzzle. In the case of a molested or raped girl, proper medical care can ensure that she will not become pregnant. Abortion in such cases means to punish an innocent human being who had no role in the committed crime. Instead of punishing the unborn baby, it is the rapist or molester who is to be trialed and punished. In addition, one has to give attention to the physical and mental impacts of such an abortion on the woman. An easy measure adopted for time being or momentary convenience may, thus, result in or pave way to serious problems in the future. However, most of th e abortions are taking place among teenagers who do not have sufficient life experiences. What they can do in this regard is to be prudent enough to use contraceptives before going into physical relations. A suitable philosophy at this juncture seems to come from Bartter (2001), who reminds such mothers of the fact that there are thousands who do not have a child to adopt. So, instead of throwing the unborn baby into the valley of death, those mothers can give such children to those who can bring them up as their own children. Thus, getting rid of the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Helens mental health Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Helens mental health - Case Study Example She should encourage Helen's daughter to give Helen the company of her grand children at least if possible. Helen's daughter can either take her to New Zealand or come back and stay with Helen for the rest of her life if possible. If the above option does not work, then the nurse should ask Helen's daughter to consider sending Helen to some elder care homes. In any case Helen needs the company and assistance of somebody to get rid of her crazy life at present. The primary mission of the social workers is to enhance human well-being and help meet the basic needs of all people, with a particular focus on the needs and empowerment of people who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. (Social Worker's Responsibilities) Building relationships with the needy people, ensuring social justice to all etc are some other services which needed to be addressed by the social worker or community nurse in future.